
General Introduction to Indigenous Peoples: Language, Culture and Terminologies

Introduction to Indigenous Peoples is a first glimpse into the Indigenous landscape. It aims to familiarize participants with Indigenous cultures and languages and give them a better understanding of the terminology used to refer to Indigenous Peoples. The course begins with a general presentation of the Indigenous nations and language families of Eastern Canada; it ends with a discussion, coming from an Indigenous perspective, of the most recommended terminology used in relation to the First Peoples of Canada. The course also explores the various cross-border challenges faced by First Peoples and examines the impact of sedentarization. La formation débute par une présentation générale des nations autochtones et des familles linguistiques de l’est du Canada et se termine par l’apport, d’un point de vue autochtone, des usages terminologiques les plus recommandés en lien avec les Premiers peuples au Canada. La formation aborde également les différents problèmes frontaliers auxquels les Premiers peuples doivent faire face et présente certains effets de la sédentarisation

Course details

    1. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

    1. Capsule 1.1: General Introduction

    2. Quiz 1.1: General Introduction

    1. Capsule 1.2: Terminology: A Perpetually Changing Phenomena

    2. Quiz 1.2: Terminology: A Perpetually Changing Phenomena


  • 2 capsules
  • 2 quiz
  • 40 minutes video content