
Subject Modules: Education, Territory and Mythology

Education examines the history of the Canadian school system as it relates to Indigenous Peoples, and the inadequacy of its pedagogical approaches. It covers current challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples in schools and universities and looks at new directions and recommendations. First Peoples and Territory examines the long-standing relationship between First Peoples and their territories, and their fundamental right to the land. It explores Canada's land claims process and the Canadian legal system's treatment of Indigenous rights. Finally, Mythologies invites participants to discover the main creation myths of Algonquian cultures, such as Mesh and Tshakapesh.

Course details

    1. Capsule 5.1: Issues in Education and Research Among Indigenous People – An Overview of the Challenges and Potential Solutions

    2. Quiz 5.1: Issues in Education and Research Among Indigenous People – An Overview of the Challenges and Potential Solutions

    1. Capsule 5.2: First People and Territories – Historical and Contemporary Issues

    2. Quiz 5.2: First People and Territories – Historical and Contemporary Issues

    1. Capsule 5.3: Indigenous Mythology – An Incredible Wealth of Knowledge

    2. Quiz 5.3: Indigenous Mythology – An Incredible Wealth of Knowledge


  • 3 capsules
  • 3 quiz
  • 105 minutes video content